Tuesday, August 14, 2012

ITE College East Celebrates National Day

Have you ever heard the loud banging of the Taiko drums in the background, the traditional tunes of the angklungs, and the classic symphony of the concert band all under one roof? Those were the sound that floated through the Indoor Sports Hall (ISH) and the Atrium at ITE College East on the 8 August, where the national day celebrations were held. It was a time of jubilation for Singapore’s 47th birthday this year.

The Guest-of-Honour, Mr Raymond Lim, and his accompanying party were welcomed by the college’s Lion Dance troupe at the atrium. A mini parade was already on standby at the ISH for the GOH to inspect. After the inspection proper, the National Day Observance Ceremony followed suit with the singing of the National Anthem, the recitation of the National Pledge led by the President of the Student Council and the singing of ITE’s College Song.

Mr Eden Liew, Principal of ITE College East, delivered the opening address & national day message, followed by launching of the NDP 2012 official logo by GOH.

Other programmes include:
  1. Announcement of the photography and video competitions
  2. ITE concert band medley
  3. Wushu martial arts performance
  4. Angklung orchestra
  5. Staff performance
  6. Indian dance
  7. CE dance club (hip hop)
  8. Soul percussion drum performance

For the finale, the GOH and performers were invited on stage to sing along before being escorted out by the Lion Dance troupe to the atrium to have some fun out at the stalls.

Alas, all good things have to come to an end. One message however, is clear: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SINGAPORE!

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