Tuesday, February 26, 2013

CCA Fair 2013

Tension was building in the air at 9am on the 15th of January 2013 at ITE College East (Simei)’s indoor sports hall. It was the day of the campus’s annual CCA fair. The large room was packed with people. Students and staff alike were keeping themselves occupied, reaching upwards to stick laminated sheets of coloured paper advertising their club’s activities and achievements. Some were down on their knees, fiddling with the main sockets in which they were to plug their electronic gadgets into. The rest were busy with decorations. 

The event was to officially begin at 10 o’clock sharp. However, students started streaming in earlier. Guests were guests. They had to be served. Looking fresh-faced and alert, many freshmen strode in cautiously. Amongst them were second year students, and they carried with them the intention of either looking for their duty-bound friend at an assigned booth or finding a new CCA. All in all, they were soon greeted with smiles at the entrance.

Groups of students representing a variety of CCAs had gathered at the entrance, hoping to snag a few new recruits for their own. Sure enough, several bewildered students were later brought away to a certain destination. Others however, soon learnt the art of dodging an unwanted welcoming committee. They hightailed their way out. Once out of earshot, many might let out a relieved sigh, only to be greeted with more smiles and persuasion from those tending to the booths. Resigned, that would be when most ended up succumbing to the calls from members of a certain club. The cycle repeated itself. 

By about noon, the energy level in the indoor sports hall had dropped considerably. In addition, some club members started bringing in packets of food and drinks for everyone. Others started leaving the room to grab a bite. After all, it was break time. Everyone was tired and wanted to rest. Shifts were made, and the event continued. Various clubs gathered more interested members and offered them tryouts.

There were interests of all sorts- the arts, community service, entrepreneurship, sports, technology and innovation, and of course the leadership clubs. Art clubs nurture the artist in an individual through participation in diverse clubs and activities. With that said, taking part in various workshops offered will also increase one’s appreciation and showcase talents. Community service allows one to take a step back from his busy schedule and play a part in making the world a better place by helping those who are less fortunate.

On the other hand, entrepreneurship clubs allows a person to explore new market trends, take calculated risks and manage a business venture. What better way is there to learn some useful skills? Sports clubs all provide us with a good deal of exercising, keeping our bodies fit and healthy and always in the best state of mind whether for work or play. Technology clubs let their members get innovative and hone their skills. Lastly, leadership clubs bring off one’s confidence through comprehensive workshops, camps and other training programmes.

 All’s well that ends well. At the end of the day, everyone was equally exhausted and proud of playing a part in this event. While carrying out their roles, many also found themselves making new friends who shared similar interests. What a day.

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