Friday, March 23, 2012

View point - ITE, A Pathway to Success!

With its advanced, state-of-the-art facilities and training centres, ITE College East is truly a great platform for students, who were deemed less academically-inclined in secondary school, to excel in their studies. This hands-on, practical approach gives ITE students a chance to showcase their strengths and talents and realise their potential, and ultimately to fulfill their goals.

ITE applies the same concept to everyone, including me. I may not have a strong foundation in many of my primary and secondary subjects. But ITE is the place where I am able to do well in the course that I am taking. In fact, I don’t remember ever doing so well in my studies! I know that this course will be a boost to my future career, as ITE specialises each course to a particular industry.

As a student in ITE, there will still be competitive challenges for me to embark on and obstacles for me to overcome. Every course I take will test my determination and perseverance in wanting to succeed in ITE. This hands-on in ITE is about the same as in Polytechnics, and prepares us for the workforce. There is a good balance between theory and examinations, as well as practice and industrial attachments. Students are graded according to a Grade Point Average (GPA), and it is up to each of us to work towards a perfect four-point GPA.

ITE offers each of us with the same opportunity to be successful in the NITEC or higher-NITEC course, and move ahead to the Polytechnics and Universities.

ITE is does not stand for ‘It’s The End’. For me, ITE means ‘It’s To Enjoy’. Honestly, I am enjoying my studies! I am enjoying my CCA and my campus-life in College East too. And best of all, I am doing well. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide what ITE means to him or her.

I am grateful for this opportunity to encourage people to think positively about ITE. I believe that the best is yet to come. I believe as long as ITE students put their “hands-on, minds-on and hearts-on” into their studies and embrace campus-life here in CE, they will succeed.

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